Hence, I worked towards building a dock so that foreign merchants could come and visit my island to buy wood and sell us their stone and iron. For starters, in this playthrough I’ve got going on right now, I started on an island with not much stone and iron. Your playthroughs are empowered through the decisions you make. In Kingdoms and Castles, you start off with a tiny hamlet and build, expand and grow your tiny colony into a magnificent city. Genre: Medieval, Colony Sim, City Builder, Strategy

A game that does that really well is Kingdoms and Castles! Developer: Lion Shield, LLC Eventually, you start expanding and you’re facing dangers such as enemies and even threats like plagues, food shortages and resource struggles… But when you overcome it feels just so god damn good. The reason why I love them so much is probably this sense of accomplishment you get when you start from nothing and end up building something big.